An interdisciplinary approach to drug discovery in Alzheimer’s disease: from neurobiology to target identification

10 Jun 2022, 12:00
Ritchie Hall, Room 268

Ritchie Hall, Room 268


Filippo Caraci


Epidemiological data show that CNS disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease are some of the most prevalent, devastating and yet poorly treated illnesses. Focusing on treatments that target disease pathophysiology will improve the chances of developing therapeutics that go beyond current symptomatic treatments. Indeed, identifying new molecular targets involved in the pathogenesis of AD is an essential first step in designing new and efficacious disease-modifying drugs. Over the last decade significant progress has been made in the field of drug discovery and drug development, according to the pathology-to-drug discovery approach, integrating different tools to improve target identification and validation. I will then discuss how these tools of translational pharmacology can be exploited in experimental models of AD to validate a new pharmacological target and develop neuroprotective drugs.

Relevant Literature (if required)
Plenge, Science Translational Medicine 2016
Leggio, Caraci et al 2016, Pharmacological Research
Cummings et al, Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 2019

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