How to Find Gold in Data: If You Have Any!

8 Jun 2022, 12:00
Ritchie Hall, Room 268

Ritchie Hall, Room 268


John Ralston (University of Kansas )


Abstract: Most 21st century research has a problem of too much data to interpret. It is a “great interdisciplinary crisis” of the current era. The problem is mathematically deep, and also an unrecognized outcome of the “reductionist” approach to science of 19th century physics. Seeking “emergent” subsystems is a new idea to discover patterns of orderly behavior that complexity often makes on its own. We’ll discuss a general method to find such order: It is weird, and not weird, both and neither, at the same time. We’ll present worked example and real-world experience that shows you can usually find gold in almost any data. The key issue is “exactly what do you mean by a probability?”: And if your data is not crap.

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