26 March 2022
Slawson Hall
America/Chicago timezone

Timing Detector R&D For The CMS Experiment At KU

26 Mar 2022, 13:35
G192 (Slawson Hall)


Slawson Hall

1420 Naismith Dr, Lawrence, KS 66045


Andres Abreu (University of Kansas)


With the CMS Phase-1 detector nearing the end of its lifetime and the construction of the High-Luminosity LHC in the horizon, technologies for the new Phase-2 detector are approaching completion. One such technology, the so called low-gain avalanche detectors (LGADs), are being designed to provide valuable timing information for proton-proton collisions on an event-by-event basis. As one of several efforts in KU to study these sensors, a test system has been designed to be able to characterize their performance without the need of large particle accelerators, such as the ones in Fermilab and CERN. Furthermore, it has been designed to efficiently test large quantities of sensors in a short amount of time by using a movable radiation source. Development of the test platform system is well underway but there is still much to be done.

Primary author

Andres Abreu (University of Kansas)

Presentation materials