26 March 2022
Slawson Hall
America/Chicago timezone

Optical Contrast: a Review and Application of Chi-Square Analysis

26 Mar 2022, 13:10
G192 (Slawson Hall)


Slawson Hall

1420 Naismith Dr, Lawrence, KS 66045


Neema Rafizadeh


Optical contrast is a tool used in many research areas to predict the thickness of thin films. While it has been applied widely from improving our detection of oil spills on sea surfaces to analysis of organic tissues, it has mainly found its usefulness in the field of nanotechnology for studying novel materials. However, novel materials do not usually have a documented refractive index and monolayer thickness, which can be difficult parameters to measure. We apply a general chi-square analysis to the optical contrast analysis of few-layer platinum diselenide (PtSe$_2$) to further the predictive power of optical contrast as a research tool. We also demonstrate its use in estimating both thickness and refractive index in novel materials.

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