13 April 2024
Gray Little Hall
America/Chicago timezone

Tunneling magnetoresistance in CrOCl/CrSBr Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

13 Apr 2024, 11:40
1154 (Gray Little Hall)


Gray Little Hall


Md Salman Ahsanullah (University of Kansas)


Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) are the promising spintronics devices for data storage, which have potential applications in the development of novel magnetic random access memories(mRAM). Here we studied magnetic tunnel junctions with 2D magnets CrOCl and CrSBr as the tunneling material, which are well-known magnets at low temperature. Here, we discuss tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) measurements for our devices which can explain the magnetic states of CrOCl and CrSBr magnets at various temperatures and fields. We further plan to study interlayer coupling and spin-orbit coupling in our devices at high pressure.

Primary authors

Dr Dmitry Ovchinnikov (University of Kansas) Md Salman Ahsanullah (University of Kansas)


Jared Madsen (University of Kansas)

Presentation materials

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