13 April 2024
Gray Little Hall
America/Chicago timezone

Chemical Composition of a Protocluster Source in the Galactic Center

13 Apr 2024, 11:00
1154 (Gray Little Hall)


Gray Little Hall


Parker Wise (University of Kansas)


We present a millimeter spectral analysis of a star forming region in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the Galactic center. Cloud C (G0.380+0.050), located in the dust ridge, is one of the only hot cores in the Galactic center other than Sgr B2, a cloud that is known to be one of the most chemically rich sites for massive star formation in the Galaxy. We observed the J=1-0 transitions of the CO isotopologues, $^{12}$C$^{16}$O, $^{12}$C$^{18}$O, $^{12}$C$^{17}$O, $^{13}$C$^{16}$O, as a part of a larger survey of 30 positions in the Galactic center, using Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array with an angular resolution of 2" (0.08 pc). Our goal is to characterize the chemical composition of the dense star forming regions within Cloud C. Through fitting models for emission and absorption to our data we have been able to identify the molecules present within the spectra of these star forming regions. The chemical composition of this cloud is valuable information that allows us to have a better grasp on the initial conditions of massive star formation.

Primary author

Parker Wise (University of Kansas)


Dr Elisabeth Mills (University of Kansas) Adam Ginsburg (University of Florida) Dr Ashley T. Barnes (Argelander Institute for Astronomy) Dr Cara Battersby (University of Connecticut) Dr Jonathan Henshaw (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) Dr Natalie Butterfield (National Radio Astronomy Observatory) Dr Simon Glover (Universitaet Astronomisches Rechen-Institut) Dr Mattia Sormani (University of Heidelberg)

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