23–26 Feb 2021
Zoom Passcode: 990417
America/Chicago timezone

Precise Exoplanet Host Star Abundances for the JWST Era

26 Feb 2021, 17:25
Zoom Link: https://kansas.zoom.us/j/92389769214 (Zoom Passcode: 990417)

Zoom Link: https://kansas.zoom.us/j/92389769214

Zoom Passcode: 990417

Zoom Link: https://kansas.zoom.us/j/92389769214 Zoom Passcode: 990417 Zoom Meeting ID: 923 8976 9214


Alex Polanski (University of Kansas)


Stars and their planets form from the same cloud of interstellar dust and gas implying a chemical link between the composition of exoplanets and the stars that host them. For the majority of exoplanet hosting stars, however, we only know the bulk metallicity rather than the abundances of particular elements such as magnesium, silicon, oxygen, and carbon. These elements, among others, are crucial for the building of planetary cores and can also offer clues to the location of the planet’s formation in the protoplanetary disk. Presented will be the plans to measure 18 stellar parameters, including 15 precise elemental abundances, for exoplanet host stars using a data-driven machine learning algorithm. With these measurements, we will identify correlations between stellar and exoplanetary compositions, help place our own Sun’s chemical abundance in context, test abundance-age relations for Sun-like stars, and help trace galactic chemical evolution.

Type of contribution Oral contribution (20 minutes)

Primary author

Alex Polanski (University of Kansas)

Presentation materials

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