26 March 2022
Slawson Hall
America/Chicago timezone

Analysis of Transits and Radial Velocities of the New Hot Jupiter, TOI-1107b

26 Mar 2022, 11:05
G192 (Slawson Hall)


Slawson Hall

1420 Naismith Dr, Lawrence, KS 66045


Yanzhe Zhang (University of Kansas)


We present the analysis of the Hot Jupiter, TOI-1107b, discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission. The mass of the planet, $3.02\pm0.37 M_J$, is determined using the RadVel package, with which 45 radial velocity measurements taken with MINERVA-Australis are analyzed. By analyzing the transiting light curve of the host star using the exoplanet package, we determined the size of the planet, $R_P = 1.227\pm0.056 R_J$, and its orbital period, $P = 4.07823\pm0.00005$ days. With more exoplanet systems being discovered by TESS, similar analyses can be done on them. Discoveries such as TOI-1107b help us better understand the formation and migration of exoplanets system, as we move from the era of finding exoplanets to an era of characterizing.

Primary authors

Yanzhe Zhang (University of Kansas) Alex Polanski (University of Kansas) Ian Crossfield (University of Kansas)

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